Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Florida Land For Sale

My wife and I have been talking about possibly moving to Florida in the distant future. Currently we live in Northwest GA. We will be staying in Cocoa Beach for two weeks starting May 30th. I can't wait. I've actually never been to Florida. I've seen plenty pictures of the state so I know what most of it looks like. After all, it's a pretty popular place.

The real estate industry is in a buyers market right now. Everything is priced to sale. This is an absolute awesome time to buy. Next year will be completely different, I predict. I predict that the economy will be picking up considerable steam by then and we'll see real estate prices climb back up to crazy prices.

I was looking through some of the current auctions at http://netlandauctions.com/Land/florida and found that land is cheaper there than it is here in GA right now.

There are great land lots for sale. Some are less than $10,000 per acre. I have an acre lot south of my house that's worth $14,000. I'm glad my land is worth more but I can't believe that land in Florida would be that cheap.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Colorado Land Auctions

There a some great deals on Colorado Land at netlandauctions.com.
Here are some of the highlights:

5 acres for only $2900 - That would be a good deal for 5 acres of toxic dump much less 5 acres of beautiful Colorado land.

40 acres Colorado Ranch for $21,600

Check out the rest at netlandauctions.com